Occasional CLEANING



Hi and welcome to Oakville Maids! Our Occasional Cleaning or One-Time Cleaning service is perfect for occasionally sprucing up your home when you are just too tired to do it yourself. e up of your home.

We know that each house is different. While many people prefer a recurring cleaning services like weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleanings, others prefer a professional cleaner only once or twice a year.

Whether its recurring or just once or twice a year, we offer residential cleaning services with one goal in mind: to make our clients’ lives easier and happier.

What is a One-Time Cleaning Service?

Oakville Maids has a one-time cleaning service in case you don’t need to hire a professional cleaning service frequently.

One-time cleaning services are outstanding for you to get your home quickly ready, especially if you have an unexpected situation such as your in-laws visiting soon or in case you have to travel for a month or two.

You can also hire a one-time cleaning service if you just need a bit extra help occasionally. Many people prefer cleaning their homes by themselves, but we all need a break once in a while

A one-time cleaning service focuses on the essential areas of your home to keep this service quick, simple and affordable.

At this point, you might be wondering: ‘what areas am I going to have cleaned?’ This is why we’ve prepared a one-time cleaning checklist, and add or modify as many areas or tasks as you want during our booking process.

Why Should You Book a One-Time Cleaning Service?

A one-time cleaning service will be perfect for you if you come across the following situations:

You need help from a professional cleaner from time to time

Unlike a recurring standard cleaning service, a one-time service is perfect for those that want or like to clean their home on their own. However, we all need a bit of an extra help sometimes.

You can request a one-time cleaning service each time you need some time for yourself, or if you want to have a night out with your family or friends and cleaning is the only obstacle keeping you from doing so.

You can also hire Oakville Maids if there are certain areas of your home that are delicate or that you don’t know how to properly clean (e.g. natural-stone floors, appliances) and you want a professional to take care of them for you.

You won’t be able to clean your home for a limited amount of time

This is another common situation. You may not be able to clean your home because you need to travel for a month or two, or you might not be physically able because you need to rest, for example. In any case, it makes sense that you don’t want dirt and grease building up your home in the meantime.

You have unexpected visitors and don’t have the time to clean your home

We all know what it’s like to have your in-laws, your coworkers or your kids’ friends coming over. And we also know this happens not at the best time, when you are busy with work and life in general.

If you want a quick cleaning service to help you check this task off from your list, Oakville Maids is here for you! If these visitors are coming over for an event, holiday or celebration, check our special events cleaning service instead. 

How to Prepare for an Ocaasional, One-Time Cleaning Service

It’s very easy to get your home ready for a one-time cleaning service.

During the booking process, you can request certain areas or tasks to be cleaned by our professionals. You will also need to select the frequency to “One Time”. Remember that this is flexible, and you can cancel or reschedule anytime.

After booking a cleaning service, please remove any large items or obstacles such as kids’ toys from your floors or other surfaces. This will allow our cleaners to be more effective and faster when working their magic.

You don’t need to be present during the cleaning service. But if you choose to, that’s okay! We just request two things from you: wait until the service is completed to give feedback or assess our cleaners’ work; and you will also need to leave the room while our cleaners work to be able to reach all areas and surfaces.

If you won’t be at home, remember to leave a key hidden in the premises or the access code if you have a keypad door lock.


Oakville Maids is a service that goes beyond cleaning. We want our customers to be happy, relaxed and with more time to spend doing what they love.

With our one-time cleaning service, you can take this responsibility off your shoulders and leave it in the hands of professionals.

Contact us now or call (289) 295-3777, or just visit our booking page!