Oakville Maids Inc values your privacy and is committed to protecting the information you provide us. We do not share, sell, or rent any collected information to third parties.

Information Collection: When you contact us via theĀ Email Form on, we may store your email address and any additional information you provide. This information may be used to contact you in the future regarding Oakville Maids Inc solutions or services.

Information from Other Sources: This privacy policy applies only to Oakville Maids Inc website and not to websites linked from our site. We are not responsible for the information collection practices or content on external sites.

Cookies: Our website does not use cookies.

Updating Personal Information: If you wish to update, correct, or delete your personal information, please email us with the necessary changes.

Legal Disclosure: Oakville Maids Inc may disclose information if legally compelled to do so or to protect our legal rights.

Policy Changes: We periodically review and update our privacy practices. Please bookmark and check this page regularly for the most current version of our privacy policy.

This policy is effective as of October, 20th, 2020, and does not create a legal agreement between Oakville Maids Inc and users.

Oakville Maids will deep clean your home